Treatment Style

The Initial client Treatment encompasses the comprehensive assessment and personalized care tailored to address individual needs and goals. Our skilled therapists utilize a variety of modalities and techniques to create a customized treatment plan that promotes healing, recovery, and overall well-being.

  1. Upon your arrival, your therapist will welcome you at the reception.

  2. The initial 10 to 15 minutes of your appointment will be dedicated to reviewing your history, completing medical forms, and evaluating your injury or condition.

  3. Your session will include 55 minutes of expert sports massage and/or cupping therapy. Following the treatment, an additional 5-10 minutes will be allocated to develop a personalized plan for your rehabilitation and progression. This plan may include customized stretches and optional taping to aid in your recovery. Taping will be considered if the therapist determines it is beneficial for your recovery.

  4. The initial client consultation will last approximately 75 minutes and will cost £50.00. Subsequent appointments, if needed, will be offered at a reduced rate, which will vary depending on the session's duration.



Individual Sports Massage Appointment Prices

120-minute sports massage: £80

90-minute sports massage: £65

75-minute sports massage: £50

60-minute sports massage: £45

45-minute sports massage: £35

30-minute sports massage: £25

Block Sport Massage Appointment Prices

180 minute block sessions £121

240 minute block sessions £161

300 minute block sessions £201

360 minute block sessions £241

450 minute block sessions £301

600 minute block sessions £402

Blue Light/ Student Discount Prices (individual)

120-minute sports massage: £72

90-minute sports massage: £58.50

75-minute sports massage: £49.50

60-minute sports massage: £40.50

45-minute sports massage: £31.50

30-minute sports massage: £22.50